Monday, February 27, 2017

Week 3

Hi everyone!
This week I got a lot of solo experience machining parts with lathes and the milling machine. We also reconstructed and are testing out new parts on an older Baja.  We are using the older car for testing since the new car still has to undergo more fabrication before we test the new parts on it. Another big success this week for me was that I finally got a copy of the Solidworks program and can now start using it to replicate the car.

On Tuesday, I worked mostly facing and drilling the pieces that would eventually become the hubs for the wheels.
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On Thursday, we removed the engine off an old Baja car so that we can test it out with the engine moved over approximately two inches. (I am not allowed specify why on the blog just yet) We also had a major meeting on what needed to be done to complete the car so that the team could start testing.
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On Saturday, I helped rebuild the old Baja car's right control arm that got sheered off during a test run at the ASU open house. I also worked on making more stabilizers for the car by facing, drilling, and tacking pipes.
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